Symington Smith Symington Smith

Interview: On AI with CGTN

CGTN reporter Chen Lanyou interviews Yang Fan, founder of Providence Academy, and Symington Smith, executive director of BIMI Holdings Inc on AI.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

Interview: Voice of America

Symington joined Voice of America journalist Wenhao Chen for an interview discussing perspectives on foreign experts living in China during the height of COVID, his complicated background as a British-Chinese American, and the post-pandemic state of both city and country.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

Symington hosts 26th Harvard China Forum

In April 2023, Symington hosted the opening ceremony of the 26th Harvard College China Forum at Harvard University, and led its $4B AUM panel on venture capital.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

Symington elected to the National Committee on U.S. China Relations

Symington has been elected a member of the esteemed National Committee on U.S. China Relations. This appointment recognizes Symington’s exceptional expertise and dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of China, U.S.-China relations, and sustainable development in Asia.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

CGTN Interview: Youth Perspectives on Pelosi and Taiwan

In a short interview for CGTN which has already hit 20K views, Symington joined Chen Lanyou from Beijing and Mira, a law student from Taipei for an exclusive discussion regarding youth perspectives on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

Interview: Hues of Red and Blue

Interviewed by Tabitha Boyton, Smith disenchants our western-centric approach towards the relationship with China. This thought-provoking and frank interview debunks many unjustified assumptions we may hold about East Asian politics. Directed especially at people who wish to engage in relations with China, Smith emphasizes the significance of the experience in the country if we want to understand it.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

A Closer Look at the American Tech Ban and its Consequences

The increasing U.S. ban on Chinese tech will most likely fall on deaf ears as watchers of global affairs see this for what it is: posturing to whip American voters into a patriotic frenzy, something ridiculously commonplace in the U.S. during election season.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

The U.S. Presidential Debates Have Become a Reality Show

The Trump-Biden “presidential” debate, if one can call it that, cost American taxpayers something much more valuable than money: their time. Running an hour and a half long, the average citizen would be better off spending that time learning about whales.

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Symington Smith Symington Smith

Book Review: Has China Won?

A seasoned Singaporean diplomat’s latest book injects much-needed realpolitik back into the U.S.-China relationship and asks painful questions about the state of America.

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